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Beth McGuire

College And Career Success Skills

Student Services: COUNSELOR

Office: L-127E on the Mount Vernon campus

Phone: (360) 416.7621


Photo of Jan  1 1900 12:00AM


CSS 110

Most quarters I teach CSS 110.  This class combines the content of the First Quarter Experience class (CSS 103) with the study skills content in CSS 100.  This four credit class covers time management, study strategies, test-taking, stress management, academic and financial planning for college as well as identifying and locating campus resources.  This class meets the First Quarter Experience requirement for new degree-seeking students.

PSYC courses

I also teach courses in Psychology including PSYC 100 General Psychology and PSYC 200 Lifespan Development

Spring Class Schedule

  • Psyc& 200 DE - Lifespan Psychology - 6667
  • Css 110 A - College Orientation - 9377