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Cynthia Scaringe


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About Me

I have been treaching here with the Skagit Valley Nursing Program for over 17 years. I received my Masters in Nursing Education at Syracuse University, N.Y. but began my nursing career as a registered nurse in Albany, N.Y. I have had nursing experiences in Washington, Texas and New York. They have included acute care, pediatric office nurse, nationally certified childbirth instructor, family practice nurse and office manager, school nurse, home care and infusion nursing. I believe I am very lucky to teach in an amazing profession and sharing my passion with nursing students is a pleasure that keeps me coming back each day to Skagit Valley College. 

Office hours

Office hours will vary from quarter to quarter.

Please email at to set up an appointment with me. You may also contact Samantha Sopher our Program Assistant at samantha.sopher if you have questions or cannot reach me.